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Stunning Bath Renovations
“In Just One Day®”

By Jennifer Bylo

Stunning Bath Renovations
“In Just One Day®”

By Jennifer Bylo

Stunning Bath Renovations
“In Just One Day®”

By Jennifer Bylo

Stunning Bath Renovations
“In Just One Day®”

By Jennifer Bylo

Stunning Bath Renovations
“In Just One Day®”

By Jennifer Bylo

Modern bathroom after remodeling services in New England
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Jennifer Bylo
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About Us

New England’s Premier Bath Remodeler

Bay State Bath by Jennifer Bylo is a full-service bathroom remodeling company serving Massachusetts and Rhode Island customers with incredible bath modifications In Just One Day®. The bathroom is one of the most personal spaces in your home, and it should be as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional to bring happiness into your daily routine. Have you thought about remodeling your bath but are concerned about the disruption it may cause? With our ONE-DAY BATH conversions, you can enjoy the benefits of a new bath immediately. Contact us to schedule your free consultation OR visit us in our showroom at 55b Corporate Park Dr, Pembroke, MA 02359

Jennifer Bylo

Meet Jennifer Bylo

Jennifer Bylo has become one of the most trusted names in bathroom remodeling throughout Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. But before that, she was a nurse for over 20 years. Her commitment to patient care and attention to detail made her a valued member of the healthcare industry. She has applied the skills she learned while working as a nurse to her one-day bathroom remodeling services. As a CSL holder for over 15 years, she has the expertise to transform your bathroom. “Contracting With Care” has become her mission statement. Her background makes her uniquely qualified to serve older adults by remodeling their baths so they can age in place safely and successfully.


Bath Remodeler Experts in New England

Why Choose Bay State Bath by Jennifer Bylo As Your Remodeler?

Started in 2003 by Jennifer Bylo, our company has remained committed to delivering the most convenient and pleasant bathroom remodeling services in the New England area. From our ONE-DAY BATH REMODEL to our FIVE-DAY TOTAL BATHROOM TRANSFORMATION, our services options are designed to meet your schedule and needs with results that will absolutely delight you each time you step into the room. Customers are confident partnering with us because:

  • We are a woman-owned and operated business
  • Our work and products come with peace of mind warranties
  • We have a large service area in New England
  • Our company is fully licensed and insured
  • We use high-quality fixtures and products
  • Our team is available 24/7

It’s Time to Get the Bathroom You Deserve

Researching remodeling contractors is a critical part of the bath renovation process, and we encourage you to compare your options and make the best choice for you. Our team at Bay State Bath by Jennifer Bylo will provide you with essential information about our company and questions you should ask any contractor you’re considering hiring to work in your home. Understanding the process, the licensing the contractor holds, their reputation, and any warranties the work includes are just a few of the vital areas to cover. We believe in total transparency and are confident you’ll find our experience and qualifications to meet your expectations. Contact us to learn more and schedule a free consultation today.

Our Customers Love Their New Baths