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Upgrading your bathroom with a new shower base and doors can transform your morning routine. But with so many options to choose from, how do you know which upgrades are the best fit for you? Find out more about shower bases and doors to help you make an informed choice.

Upgraded bathroom showers by Bay State Bath, enhancing homes in New England, MA.

Consider Your Space

Before examining your options, you must first understand the space you have to work with. Larger bathrooms offer more flexibility, allowing for various shower enclosure types with few restrictions. However, if you’re limited to smaller square footage, you may want to consider space-saving options like quadrant shower enclosures designed to fit snugly into a corner. Also, keep in mind the location of your drainage lines to avoid extra plumbing work.

Choose the Right Shower Base

When selecting the best shower base, you want one that looks good, of course, but it must also be the right fit for your space. Let the size and shape of your shower guide your choice. For instance, a square enclosure calls for a square shower tray, while a longer rectangular shower needs a tray of the same dimensions. White is the standard choice, but you can find custom shower base colors to suit your aesthetic preferences.

Know Your Shower Door Options

Upgrading your shower doors can significantly change the look and functionality of your bathroom. The type of door you choose depends on the space available and your personal style. Pivoting glass shower doors are preferred for square-shaped enclosures or bathrooms with enough space for the door to swing outward. On the other hand, sliding glass shower doors are ideal for smaller bathrooms and rectangular enclosures. Bi-fold doors are a third option, saving space by requiring minimal clearance outside the shower.

Consider Glass Types

The shower door glass is another vital aspect to consider. Different thicknesses offer varying levels of durability and safety. For instance, 6mm to 8mm glass is recommended for wet rooms or walk-in showers. In addition, consider what glass finish you want. Clear glass shower doors are perfectly transparent for a clean, streamlined look, while frosted glass provides more privacy.

Match Your Style

When selecting the best shower upgrades, don’t forget to match the frame with your overall bathroom style. Sleek frameless glass panels belong in modern bathrooms, while more traditional framed and semi-frameless options look great with many other design styles. Whatever your choice, it should function smoothly and complement your bathroom’s aesthetic.

Upgrade Your Shower Base and Door with Bay State Bath

At Bay State Bath, we specialize in one-day bath remodels that are yours to enjoy the very next day. This is your opportunity to upgrade the shower base and door without a complete bathroom overhaul. Our woman-owned, family-operated company has been providing bathroom services and high-quality bathroom fixtures since 2003.

For more information about our services, please contact us at (781) 826-4141 and schedule a free bathroom remodeling consultation in New England. You’re also welcome to visit our showroom in Pembroke, MA, and explore the range of options for transforming your bathroom.