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Your bathroom is one of the most essential and personal rooms in your home. Transforming the space can be incredibly satisfying, especially if the current setup is outdated or fails to meet your needs. Whether you crave a modern bathroom design, a spa-inspired look, or something more traditional, the possibilities are endless. Explore these creative bathroom upgrades to help you get more out of the space.

Bathroom transformation with texture and designs by Bay State Bath in New England, MA.

DIY Tiles and Other Upgrades

Updating your bathroom tiles can make a big difference, especially if you hate the existing color. If you’re not excited about re-tiling, consider painting the tiles or using peel-and-stick options to cover old tiles. This approach refreshes your space without the need for a complete overhaul.

There are many other ways to embrace a DIY bathroom makeover. For instance, you can repurpose or modify existing items, like repainting a towel rack or creating your own wall-mounted toothbrush holders. This saves money while adding a personal touch.

Adding Texture and Features

Introducing texture to your bathroom changes the look and feel to a surprising degree. You might add elements like wicker baskets, fluffy bathmats, or wooden bath trays to make your bathroom feel warm and inviting. Also, consider adding a feature piece, such as a ladder rail for towels or a unique mirror frame, to create a focal point.

Keeping Things Tidy

A simple yet effective trick to organize your toiletries is to use trays and containers. Corralling your countertop essentials on a tray instantly tidies up the space and makes it look more put together. For a sense of permanence, invest in a matching bathroom set complete with cups, toothbrush holders, soap dispensers, and tissue box covers.

Decor Updates

Consider updating the bathroom decor. Small changes, like a new shower curtain, bath mats, and towels, can significantly alter your bathroom’s appearance. And don’t underestimate the power of plants in a bathroom. Setting a potted plant on the vanity or the edge of the tub breathes new life into an old-looking bathroom. Just be sure to choose a plant that does well in low light.

Consider Bathroom Remodeling

When DIY bathroom updates aren’t enough, it’s time to consider a more in-depth approach. But what if you’re concerned about the disruption a bathroom renovation may cause? That’s when you turn to Bay State Bath for a one-day bath conversion.

We understand you want the bathroom of your dreams, but you don’t want the inconvenience of a drawn-out project. As a full-service bathroom remodeling company with over 20 years in the industry, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional bath modifications. Led by Jennifer Bylo, a Construction Supervisor License (CSL) holder, our team combines care and expertise in every project. We are a woman-owned, family-operated business offering personalized service, high-quality fixtures, and peace-of-mind warranties.

To schedule a free bathroom remodeling consultation in Rhode Island, please contact us at (781) 826-4141 today. You can also visit our showroom in Pembroke, MA, to explore our range of services and see how we can help transform your bathroom into a space you’ll love.